Chosen Charity

Texas Cowboys Against Cancer is a non-profit organization that provides financial support to recipient(s) each year with cancer in the Western heritage community who is uninsured or under-insured.Even in the best of situations, cancer can be devastating. The physical and mental effects are often exacerbated by the financial strain placed on the patient and their family.Texas Cowboys Against Cancer (TCAC) is the direct outgrowth of the successful benefits held for Johnnie Neely in 2009 and Jim Saunders in 2010 to help defray the costs associated with their treatment for cancer.  Our organization was formed to assist others who find themselves in similar circumstances.TCAC strives to lessen the burden for cancer patient(s) each year by providing financial support so our recipient and their family can focus on winning the fight against cancer.  Sadly, some of our awards have been given posthumously.  In that case, the money is given directly to the family to help cover remaining medical bills and funeral expenses.Recipients are chosen by the board from received applications.